Days at Milton are full. Classes are exciting and the discussion that starts around the Harkness table continues out of class. The occasional free period during the class day is a great time to talk with friends, get work done, grab a snack in the Schwarz Student Center or check on a project. After classes, the wide world of Milton’s activities and organizations opens up. Students may have an athletic practice every day until dinner, or they may get involved in theatre tech or a publication or community service. The fast-paced Milton day helps you learn to manage your time, follow through on responsibilities, get work done, and have fun with friends.
Sample Weekly Schedule


Milton’s school week runs Monday–Friday (no Saturday classes) and on a 10-day schedule. Classes meet for either 60 or 90 minutes each, allowing deeper learning and longer-form projects and labs to be completed. Students also benefit from extra help time built into their schedule; this is time when both students and their teachers are free directly after class, a handy time to stick around and get a quick question answered or work on something longer form together. In addition to class time and extra help, there are a couple of other programming elements built into the schedule. These include class assemblies (where speakers come to campus, or student leaders shine) or Club Blocks (when our 100+ student-led clubs and groups meet), and Advisory (an important time for each student to connect with their assigned Academic Advisor and peers in a small-group setting).